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No New Posts the brochure, - 1 Viewing

The Royal University of London, or R.U.L as it is more commonly called, is one of England's leading establishments in further education. This being so, we do have certain rules that must be adheared to, and standards that must be kept. Please read all topics in this board before moving on.

3 3 courses,
by carmit alessandra van deaux
Feb 19, 2009 9:09:19 GMT -5
No New Posts staff hq, - 1 Viewing

The staff here at Y.B.B work hard to ensure this site is a fun and interesting for all of its members. In this board, you will find both the staff head quarters, where the mod squad can meet and talk about the site, and announcements, which are, of course, made by the staff.

Sub-boards: announcements,, staff hq,

3 3 homes/accommodation,
by carmit alessandra van deaux
Feb 19, 2009 9:48:17 GMT -5
No New Posts enrollment,

If you have read through our regulations and information, and think you can make the cut and live up to the sterling reputation of R.U.L, then come here to hand in your application form. Best of luck.

4 12 pb claim,
by norah roxanna cale
Feb 21, 2009 22:58:17 GMT -5
No New Posts university database, - 1 Viewing

Here is where all of the information of students who have been successful in applying to R.U.L is kept. We have everything down to the finest details about our students to ensure that we can tailor a quality learning programme to ensure them the best results.

4 7 CALE, norah roxanna
by carmit alessandra van deaux
Feb 21, 2009 14:41:08 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts relationship records,

Relationship records ensure that you keep track of everyone you have met whilst here at R.U.L, from the love of your life to a mere aquaintance, you can keep all of your endeavours in check here.

by brooklyn avennli d'alessio
Feb 21, 2009 0:59:48 GMT -5
No New Posts instant messenger, - 1 Viewing

For students on the go, instand messenger is a god send. So much faster than email, and accessible by mobile, you can contact anyone here. R.U.L has it's own server, with chat rooms where you can meet other students, or you can talk to anyone on the main branch.

by atticus ezekiel bravener
Feb 21, 2009 21:31:29 GMT -5
No New Posts scheming,

We are aware that, although our students have an outstanding examination record, there is much more to them than their intelligence. They are adults, and their lives contain all sorts of goings-on. You can stir things up in your own life by coming here.

4 4 ' ' they know we cause riots
by norah roxanna cale
Feb 21, 2009 22:59:35 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts the foyer,

The foyer is an extremely large hall, panelled in mahogany with gold gilding and a painted ceiling. There is a pair of split staircases, donated by a generous patron in 1902, which lead up to the science class rooms and first floor lobby.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts studios,

There a an ample sized building just left of the main building, which houses over 50 studios for student use. The first floor offers artists studios which are stocked with counters, a kitchenette and basic art equipment. The first floor studios are dedicated to performing arts, and have speakers, amplifiers, microphones and files containing sheet music, lyrics and sample scripts.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts classrooms,

The classrooms are distributed about the campus. Each classroom hosts lessons of either Science, Literature, Art or Performing Arts.

Sub-boards: science classrooms,, art and literature classrooms,, performing arts theory classrooms,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts concert hall,

The Concert Hall has a number of functions. It serves as the practical space for performing arts lessons, hosts school performances, and often showcases travelling talent, from theatre to musicians.

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No New Posts accomodation, - 2 Viewing

R.U.L offers the highest standard of shared living to it's students. Should you choose to reside within the campus, you will be allocated a room with two other students in your year (although some of the wealthier students have been known to drop a few thousand to get their own room). Each apartment has three spacious bedrooms with en-suite, a living area, kitchenette and small study. To get a room, please fill out the form inside and PM it to an admin.

Sub-boards: SP1,, J1,

1 1 form,
by carmit alessandra van deaux
Feb 19, 2009 9:50:28 GMT -5
No New Posts lawns, - 1 Viewing

R.U.L has a number of lush green fields about the campus for leisure. They often feature large oak trees planted by the founders to mark the opening in 1900, and wooden memorial benches and tables.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts garden,

The garden is vast space, the same dimensions as one of the lawns, and is tended by the university's gardener. It is filled with blossoming flowers, as well as trees, shrubs and climbing plants. The garden is often visited by the Science classes to observe wildlife. There is a small lagoon at the southern end, and wooden arbors are dotted around the place. It is lit, on a night, by fairy lights and torches hidden amongst the plants.

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No New Posts car park, - 1 Viewing

The Car Park is a large expanse of red brick just off the main drive way. Some spots are marked for visiting officials, the head master etc, the rest are for students. There is a valeting service from 8:30-17:00, for students, staff and visitors alike.

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No New Posts belgravia, - 1 Viewing

Belgravia is one of the richest areas both in London and the whole of England. It is the immediate area in which R.U.L is located, and offers a small but high quality selection of shops, bars and restaurants, as well as residential areas.

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No New Posts homes,

All homes in London are here. To get your own house, you must fill in the form provided and PM it to an admin. We will make a board for your home as soon as possible. Please do not make a home if you do not intend to post in it.

1 1 form,
by carmit alessandra van deaux
Feb 19, 2009 9:52:42 GMT -5
No New Posts greater london,

It was once said, 'When you're tired of London, you're tired of life.' London is famed throughout the world as a city of culture, diversity, fashion and frivolity. It offers everything from world famous theatres to tiny, cozy coffee shops. There is something for everyone in London.

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No New Posts creativity,

Here you can showcase anything creative you have made. From opening a graphics shop to writing fictions inspired by Y.A.B. PM an admin for a board using the form inside.

1 1 form,
by carmit alessandra van deaux
Feb 19, 2009 9:54:32 GMT -5
No New Posts chit chat,

Here you can play those old favourites or just chat about anything. Introduce yourself or rant. The Absence board is also located in here.

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No New Posts advertise,

Linking Back or First Time posts, come here. This board is guest friendly, however, if your board requires us to fill out a form, then your post will be deleted.

Sub-boards: virgins;first time,, whores;linking back,

53 53 Shayz'renth and Beyond-Medieval/Fantasy
by Drakon
Nov 12, 2009 2:49:48 GMT -5


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