Post by JJ on Feb 20, 2009 11:51:28 GMT -5
Waleford High
At first glance, Waleford High looks like your classic boarding school in an unkown town...
And, that is exactly what it is.
Waleford Academy was founded in 1882 by a Mister Stewert Waleford. Mr. Waleford wanted the high school to be a prestegious learning center for those that love the arts. Literature, music, and art. All things that Mr. Waleford found important, but that none of his six children wished to be affiliated with. Because of his children's dislike for the arts, Mr. Waleford found that he could educate others in the arts, and found it just as rewarding as it would've felt if his own children would have been interested in them. In 1974, the name of the learning center was changed from Waleford Academy to Waleford High.
The year is now 2009, and the children attending Waleford are more artsy than ever. They range from 15 to 19 years old, and are all interested in some form of art. With the exception of the jocks. The jocks are boy's whose parents just wanted to send their child to the most expensive school in Alabama. These kids have revolted and are on the football team...That didn't even exist until 1999, when a father sued the school for not allowing his son to play sports at Waleford High.
Of course, like in any high school, you have the cliques. The Emos, the Punks, the Goths, the Bitches, the Cheerleaders, the Jocks, the Weirdos, the AP Kids, the Outcasts, and the Geeks. Every year or so, a New Kid comes along, and is labeled as so until another newbie enters Waleford High. Unlike most modern schools, sometimes there are not enough children to make an entire grade up, so all of the children take classes based solely on their experiance in the area. There might be three Sophomores, two Seniors, and a Junior in an Advanced Rock N Roll History class. Or there might be four Seniors, three Juniors, and six Sophomores in a Beginning Guitar class.
Now, will you be a star pupil? Or will you be the jock that everyone hates? Find out, at
Waleford High.[/blockquote][/blockquote][/size]